Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why we dont have naked time?

We dont give Jack naked time because...I dont want him peeing everywhere. Well the other night he was taking a shower with Shawn and ran into the living room and jumped on his horse. Who can yell at the cutest naked cowboy ever! So we let him play and while I was sitting on the floor reading the paper he came over and peed all over me. Not one drop on the carpet, but still I think that naked time will once again cease.

He also started AWANA's last night and loved it!! I was thinking it would be a fun activity but we went really not knowing what to accept, I mean really how much can a year and a half old learn. But what it was was alot of music, playing, coloring, and a snack(which I think was Jacks favorite part) :) They also gave Jack a t-shirt, and I took a few pictures to show. This is Pastor Myers, who adores Jack, as does his wife Barb. This is a new church that were visiting that is about 10 minutes from the house. Really small, but a good group of people. The church looks like an old saloon..I'll take a picture this coming sunday, so you can see what I mean.

Trick or Treat...or Cookie?

Jack went trick or treating as Superman this year. His best buddy Max went as Flash. We were trying to get the whole Justice League together, but we got a pair together at least. He cant say he said Cookie? all night long. Everyone thought he was so cute and instead of carrying his bag ( daddy did) he would grab a piece of candy and then place it in his bag. Some ladies thought this was adorable that he picked out his "favorites"( really my favorite's). Heres some pics: