Monday, June 30, 2008

What people are willing to do

So, this definetly goes against the grain of being sarcastic and funny, but I just wanted to let everyone know how great the south is, or rather how nice the people are. A few weeks ago, I was reading the paper and came across a few letters to the editor about visitors who had come to Dahlonega and how nicely they were treated. I was surprised not that people here were nice, but that people who dont live here wrote in, so surprised that I called my mom, bright and early one morning, and read them to her.
Well, this morning, I had to call the bank to see if they do money orders or cashiers checks, and not only did they say 'Yes, of course', which is probably the obvious answer to everyone reading this, but she asked how much and to who, and said she'd have it waiting for me to pickup! She said if its hot when you come, just pull through the drive through so you dont have to get out of the air conditioning!!!
People are great here.
Also, the tellers name is Vicky, and our kids go to the same day care, which only has 10 kids, which brings me to my next point, of in a small town, you always know someone when you go to the store or go out to dinner, so you at least have to go sober and brush your hair.

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